Summer Nights!

We have been working hard on the farm and in town all summer. Here in Nova Scotia we only have two to three months of tourism so we really have to make hay when the sun shines. Some years it feels like you blink and miss summer. this year I tried my best to take advantage of the little time off I get and get out side, go swimming, and have really appreciate summer. still it seems like August passed in a flash!  We did however get out for a few awesome summer adventures!

We met up with Christophe along his biking route at Summerville beach. I had never been there before but it was lovely!  We found an old bridge at the far side of the beach that crossed a river flowing into the ocean. There where people Jumping off the bridge into the brackish water below and I though they where crazy. But minutes later the boys had dragged me up and practically pulled me off… in the end I worked up the courage to jump of my own volition. Then I ran back up to do it again.

We brought a picnic dinner complete with a fresh fruit salad made with all FOTE Farm berries. We brought a tent and found a sneaky spot to camp in the bushes, since there is “no overnight use” of the beach. It was amazing and quiet. The sky was filled with so many stars. Wow! We started the next day with a dip in the ocean before heading back to real life and work.



   Camping friends!

A week or two after the beach adventure Jason being the romantic that he is planned a dinner for our anniversary. I hadn’t even thought about it because we have no official anniversary date. But Jason remembered we got together right around the full moon in July. Swoon! so he made me a nice dinner complete with chanterelles we picked and a great bottle of wine. What a guy!


Amazing Chanterelle Pasta  Cerulli Spinozzi

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